Friday, May 20, 2011

The Power of Prayer and Forgiveness

I recently finished a book called Gray Matter by Dr. David Levy.  If you believe in the power of prayer, this is a definite must read!  Dr. Levy is a neurosurgeon who began to pray with his patients after their appointments and/or right before they went into surgery. In the book he takes the reader through his thought process and how he came to this...he also discusses his fears about starting to pray with his patients.  We aren't talking some elaborate prayer here, he basically would say something along the lines of "Dear God, please guide me as I perform this surgery and give peace and comfort to Mr. So and So and his family. We know you are good. Amen."
Once he begins to feel comfortable with the whole prayer thing, he begins to ask his patients if they need to forgive anybody of wrongdoings or ask forgiveness for themselves. Why?  Because he has seen that if people are carrying around the burden of bitterness towards another person or even God, that that can manifest itself as an unexplained illness.  For example, one of his patients had awful headaches and her neck was in serious pain...however, there was no medical explanation for it. Once she realized that she was bitter towards another person, she forgave the person and asked God's forgiveness for herself as well.  The patients describe an immediate "lightness" as if a heavy burden has been lifted off of their shoulders. They also describe a near immediate joy that overcomes them.

It is absolutely amazing to me to read books like this and have a first hand account of the power of God.  How many of us have unexplained illnesses, whether it's headaches, neck pain, back pain, you name it.  Could it be that we are just carrying around so much bitterness towards other people or God that it's just weighing us down and manifesting itself through physical symptoms?

Could you imagine sitting in the doctor's office and at the end of your appointment having the doctor ask you if it was okay if he/she said a prayer for you?  I think most of us would be completely floored (which is what Dr. Levy describes a lot in his book)!  We often think of doctors as being these uptight arrogant people who are just like robots - they come in, do the procedure and leave. But Dr. Levy shows a whole other side to doctors...they are actually human and some actually care about their patients physical well-being, and some even their spiritual well-being.

I urge every person that reads this to forgive anybody you may have bitterness against and also ask God's forgiveness for yourself. I'm sure it will make you feel better.  And pray! Always pray, it's just like having a conversation with God, just tell him what's going on with you.

I pray for God's blessing and love on each and every one that reads this post!  :)

...Now on to my next book (other than my Research Methods textbook, that is) Digital Disciple. I will let ya'll know how it is...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Funny How Much Life Changes...

One year ago on May 22 I got married to the most wonderful guy on the most beautiful day!  I was thinking about how much my life has changed since then.  This was a turning point in my life...and not just in the typical "Oh, I'm married now" way.  It changed every dynamic of life. I used to talk to my best friend at least once every other day but we were constantly texting...then life happened and we haven't spoken (or texted) each other in several months.  It's almost like we don't exist to each other anymore...

My mom tells me that this is just the natural ebb and flow of life.  But when you are in high school and you become as close as a sister to somebody, you kinda expect it to be that way forever.  I mean, geez, being friends since middle school is nothing to sneeze at (we are now 26!).  I guess we just hit that fork in the road and were both heading in two different directions.

It is truly ironic how two totally different things came of my wedding day.  It was the happiest day in the world because I was starting a new phase in a relationship and the wedding was perfect and how I always imagined it would be.  But then it was also sad because it was pretty much the end of another relationship, which I never saw coming.

Maybe one day when we both reach where we are going our roads will converge again.  

My First Blog Post EVER!

Hi everybody! I have decided to enter the exciting world of blogging.  I have been debating this for a few weeks now...the main reason is because I have so many thoughts that just won't fit into a Facebook status. Haha! So, I'm going to use this as my "thought outlet".  :)